Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bangkok - Weekend 1 Camera Photos

I'm going to keep the writing to a minimum and just post a lot of the pictures that we took with the camera from our first weekend in Bangkok.
We were in Bangkok for Saturday and Sunday, here's a quick run down of our activities:

Saturday/Sunday's Recap - We ended up on the scam boat tour - some man told us he was Chinese, going to visit his new baby and the hospital and he could have the boat take us all around.  Bill told me to "go with it" because the guy was probably being really nice.  NOPE - we paid 500 times more for the boat price than the public boat ticket, we did end up seeing a temple we wouldn't have though - Wat Arun and then when we got to the Grand Palace got scammed again.  Everyone (including the Tourist Police) tells you that the temple isn't open and a tuk tuk driver offers to take you to a different open temple, a different "big buddha" and in reality they drive you to tailor shops, jewelry shops and others galore to get "gas coupons".  Bill ended up buying a tailor made suit from one of the shops.  We then ate GREAT Thai food at The Blue Elephant and ended our night at a bar on top of the Pullman Hotel.  Sunday we took a bike tour.  I thought it was a bike tour of the city but it was really through the jungle and through the "slums" so to speak.  We did visit a floating market where we had lunch.  It was a tough bike ride through the tiny narrow alleys and on the jungle cat walk which was quite slippery from the recent rain.   
 Bill got a beer on our boat.
 On the Chao Praya River.
 Coconut milk for sale.
 Wat Arun.
 It was a very tall temple and we climbed as high as we could.
 Getting in the tuk tuk for the "open" sights.

 Bangkok at night from the G Bar at the Pullman.
 Real coconut milk on our bike tour break.
 Dogs are ALL over the city - even under cars snoozing like this guy.
 An alley/street where people live that we biked through.
 T-shirt making shop.  (Sweat shop since it was sooo hot and humid.)
 The rickshaw driver from one area of the tour to the floating market.
Dinner at the Blue Elephant.
We tried to head to the Sky Bar which is where parts of the Hangover 2 are filmed and one of the best places for a view of the city but we didn't have proper footwear on.  I had sandals with a dress and Bill had flip flops with pants and a nice shirt so we were turned away.  No sandals allowed!!!   

Next stop.... Siem Reap Cambodia! 

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