Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's been awhile...

Hi Everyone!
I'm sorry it's been over a week since my last post, after coming back from Thailand and Cambodia it's taken me awhile to get back into the swing of things.
After we returned from our trip that first weekend we had a going away party for an Irish couple we met here.  It was great fun and well it took almost a week to recover from that party.  We went to an infamous place in China called KTV - at this particular KTV we rented a room with 30 other expats and sang karaoke!  It was great fun.  Some KTV's in China are known for "other" activities - aka women escorts, some are just dudes drinking, and most are karaoke.

As we were leaving there was a bit of a mix up with who paid the room rental fee and well needless to say the Chinese Police were called!  WHOOPS!   It all got straightened out though so that was good.

This past week I was busy helping out with the Charity Committee's Casino Night preparations.  On Saturday there was an expat Casino Night held at The Kempinski hotel here in Suzhou.   There were about 300 people in attendance and the EAS hired a company to bring in casino games, dealers, etc., all the proceeds go to our local charities and we had loads of great prizes to win.  So I was a busy bee helping out with some set-up/preparation duties.

Bill managed to win us some beer, wine and an air filtration unit for our bedroom - which I have no clue how to setup and the directions are all in Chinese!   Sooner or later I'll figure it out- for now I have not had luck with online English instructions.  I'll find it though - don't you worry!  Or I'll have our mandarin teacher Zoey help me translate the booklet!  
Speaking of mandarin - we started lessons again on Monday.  Both Bill and I feel we're doing much better in survival 3 so far - key words - SO FAR - ask me in a month how I really feel!?!?! haha

More tales of daily life in China to come this week!

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