Friday, October 11, 2013

Cambodia - in pictures.

Cambodia was beautiful... the temples we saw were amazing, the pictures don't even do this country justice.  Also, I didn't realize it, but Cambodia's history is pretty gruesome so it's amazing that these temples even survived.   We have over 500 photos from our Mon - Fri adventure, I can't post them all but will give you the best of the best!

 Angkok Wat - the largest temple in the world.

 The "library" in the midst of the water.
 Bayon Temple entrance.
 Monkey's eating plantains!
 Bayon is under construction and this is the contraption they use to move the pieces.

 Bayon is the temple of Buddha's faces.

 Ta Prohm - aka... The temple Lara Croft Tomb Raider was filmed at.

 I've never witnessed a skinny cow until I got to Cambodia.
 Siem Reap Old Market.
 Snakes drying out...
 Tonle Sap boat launch.

 More skinny cows.
 This man is selling gas to the guys in the boats.
 Boat ride to the water town.  Tonle Sap is the largest fresh water lake in Cambodia and there are a few water villages strewn throughout the banks of the lake.  We visited/kayaked around one that had 500 houses.

 Buying fruits and veggies from the boat ladies.

 Kayaking through the "water jungle".

 Grass for the cows.

 Elephant rides!

 The beautiful sunset... or foggy rainy night sky!

 After the elephant ride I was a little bit soaked!

 The road to the airport on our last morning.   Just a little bit flooded!

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