Wednesday, October 23, 2013


What do you do when you're on your way home after a gym workout and you step off the elevator to your landlord and 4 other people standing in front of your apartment door?   Your mouth drops!

The minute I said Ni Hao they started speaking a mile a minute, I hadn't even had my key in the door and they were asking about showing our apartment that night.  Here's a good time for me to interject that our landlord is in the process of selling our apartment, our agent Cici told us to not let her have showings, if she wants to show it she should give us the one months rent and we will move out and then she can show it all she wants.

So these 5 women are all speaking and trying to ask me for a showing, then they hand me a massive basket of fruit and ask if they can come back at 6:30 tonight.  

Ummm okay?  I was hot, sweaty, and just wanted a shower - not to mention the apartment was a disaster, I had been to Ikea in the morning, hadn't cleaned up dinner or breakfast dishes from the past few days, I wasn't going to try to argue.  So I hesitantly agreed then called our agent Cici and she says to not let them in tonight- she doesn't trust them.  UGH.   All day I dreaded the visit - they came back, spent about 15 minutes in the apartment and left.  The lady actually spoke decent English and said she wanted the apartment for investment purposes.  Whatever that means.

What really pushed my button was that the current landlord had the guts to actually open my pot of soup on the stove and smell it - SERIOUSLY - who does that when viewing an apartment???

I wonder what type of gift she's going to bring us the next time she bypasses our agent and tries to show the apartment?   Either way the answer is going to be NO.

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