Monday, June 3, 2013

Cabinet in the trunk, Sure No Problem!

Hi All!!!   Happy Monday to you, I don't have too much interesting today, we got up early, went to Mandarin lessons and then it was a "typical Monday" for me... coffee, lunch, swimming, laundry!  Bill's afternoon was much more exciting than mine though so I figured I'd tell you about it!   

Charter has finally moved the warehouse space from Wuhu to Changzhou.  Wuhu is a 2.5 hour drive south of Nanjing, and Nanjing is an hour train ride from here.  Bill has been going to Wuhu about one to two weeks a month since March when we got here so it will be very nice that the warehouse is now moved to Changzhou and he won't have to leave Monday to Friday every week.  Changzhou is an hour and 15 minute drive from our house and also the same building that the new plant will be in.  So with this move from Wuhu to Changzhou ALL the old office furniture was shipped and Bill decided he wanted to take a cabinet that no one was going to be using for his home office.  Him and Mr. Fu managed to fit it in the trunk of the VW Passat ghetto style with tape and towels and it actually survived the crazy drive home! 
Now Bill gets the exciting job of unpacking his boxes and setting up his office! 
 As you can see.... he's thrilled!!!

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