Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rainy Day in Shanghai

Let me tell you, when it rains in China, IT RAINS!!!  Yesterday was a wet and rainy day.   My friends Nicole and Marie and I had planned to take the train into Shanghai to do some shopping and putzing around in the big city and to just have a day out away from Suzhou.  Let me tell you rain in China is not like rain in the US or the UK where it rains, lets up a little bit, rains again, lets up a little bit, NOPE this was a full fledged down pour ALL day long! 
Next time we go to Shanghai in the rain we'll be sporting these pant protectors(aka- garbage bags around the legs):
Or on second thought we'll just change our tickets and come back a different day!
Even in the rain we managed to have some fun though!  New glasses anyone? 
 Bloody Mary for lunch, yes please!
 Halloween costumes here we come!
 Hmmmm, not sure what one would use placenta cream for???  Any ideas???

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