Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fog or Smog?!?!

I like to tell myself that it's Fog, because to me, waking up to fog seems much better in my brain than smog.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but the air quality is just part of life here and something I didn't realize how much we took for granted before.  I like to call most mornings "foggy" as waking up to smog is just depressing and it seems to burn-off towards the afternoon/evening so it kind of resembles fog. :-)  
About a month ago I made the big mistake of downloading an air quality app on my phone and it gives me updates - good or bad as to the air quality changes throughout the day.  Typically we're pretty inline with Shanghai's air quality and we're pretty "Moderate" in air quality as the app says.  That's a good thing, we're not nearly as bad quality wise as some of the cities in China.  Whew!

Today the China Air Quality app has been going bonkers and Suzhou is the worst I've ever seen it!  Suzhou from the Chinese site is at 219 Heavily Polluted, that's HORRIBLE by my standards!  Probably one of the worst days in the past 3 months.  You know it's bad when the US Consulate in Shanghai is saying that 179 is Unhealthy and we're over and above that.

See this app has Shanghai by the Chinese government monitoring site and then Shanghai US Consulate which is the US monitoring system at the consulate building in Shanghai.  Since Suzhou and Shanghai seem to have similar numbers I typically just look at the Shanghai US Consulate because I'm not quite sure I trust what the Chinese are really telling us.

Here's a picture off the balcony from today at 2:30pm in the afternoon:
Here's the same picture on a clear sunny afternoon:
No wonder I've taken 2 naps today and haven't been able to find motivation to go to the gym!

I'll also let you make the call on Fog or Smog!?!?!?!

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