Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All My Bags Are Packed And I'm Ready To Go!

Can you say Excited???   Yes, I've been packed for about a week now and in less than 24 hours I will be leaving for the airport.   Then it'll be another 18 hours of travel time and I will arrive in the USA!   It's been a long 3 months in China and I'm ready for some fresh air and family and friends time!

This will be the last post from China until August 1st.  I might post some USA stories, can't promise anything, but I plan on eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of good American beer.  You've all seen that before so I'm not sure it'd be nearly as exciting for you as the crazy China stories so the blog will be on a summer hiatus for awhile! ;-)

Happy Summer to all!!!

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