Thursday, August 1, 2013


Well, well, well, I'm back in China now and let me tell you it's HOT here.  Seriously HOT... and it doesn't cool down!  The other night when I landed in Shanghai it was 95 degrees Fahrenheit at 9 at night!  I got out of the car to go into our apartment and my glasses steamed up... at 10:30 at night!!!   Reiteration.... LATE AT NIGHT IT'S THAT HOT!  This place doesn't cool down at all.  The daytime temps the past 2 days have been 105 but feel like 115...  and it's HUMID.  This country is tropical and I'm not loving it one bit.  I have a feeling it's going to be a long month for me!

You're going to need to bear with me here because this Wisconsin-born cold blooded girl is going to take awhile to get used to this heat and humidity.  Actually, to be honest I don't think I'll ever get used to it, but at least give me 1 week to get used to the fact(and complain about) that I'm going to start sweating profusely and my skin is going to turn sticky the minute I leave my apartment.

Also, forewarning:  I'm not sure how many interesting posts I'm going to have in the next month because at the moment I don't foresee myself leaving the apartment these days for more than necessities!   Yesterday, I went to the gym at 7:30 in the morning, I'm pretty sure I lost 5 pounds just walking there...
Like I said... it's going to be a long month!

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