Wednesday, August 28, 2013

6 Months Down!

Today it's officially been 6 months since we left the good old US of A and relocated to China and all I can really say is that this Asian adventure has certainly been a roller coaster of a ride.
It's a little bit hard to write this post because there isn't a day that goes by where one of us has a moment where we wish we were "back home".  I often wake up in the morning hoping that when I open my eyes I will actually be in the UK or the USA!  It never seems to happen. :-( 
Both Bill and I know that this is a great experience and our flexibility, adaptability and attitudes are and will be changed forever.  It's just that being in China is really much more challenging than we ever thought it would be.  We know from England that a new country and way of life is hard to adapt to at first, however, England was hard for about the first 3 months, then we settled in and loved it.  The culture, language barrier and our everyday aspects of life are so different than anything we've experienced prior and that's what makes it difficult and gives us the longing for the comforts of home and what we know.  As time goes on things will get easier - as we know we've only just dipped our feet in the water here and while 6 months seems like a long time, it's really not that long at all.  

Today, in the spirit of our homesickness we decided we needed to embrace one of the aspects of the Chinese culture that we really enjoy.... DUMPLINGS! 

Bill had a meeting in Shanghai so I tagged along, while he was in his meeting I made a trip to the flower market with Mr. Fu and then we headed to Din Tai Fung, a world renowned dumpling restaurant.  It's actually Taiwanese, but that's besides the point they make delicious dumplings!

 As you walk up to the restaurant (in a luxury shopping mall) you see all the "dumpling makers" (as I'm going to call them) standing in a front window assembling the dumplings at lightning speed.

Din Tai Fung is actually a Taiwanese restaurant, but that's besides the point they make delicious dumplings!
The signature dumpling is xiaolong bao which is a pork filling wrapped in the dumpling with a soup/broth in the dumpling as well.  The correct way to eat these dumplings is to get everything in your mouth at once, do not let the broth drip out on the plate or in your bowl.   
 We had the signature pork dumplings, vegetable dumplings, assorted mushroom dumplings and steamed pork buns!
 Steamed pork buns:

These buns were delicious with a little pork patty in the middle!

Soy sauce and vinegar to make your own dipping sauce.

Bill's dumpling just hanging out in the sauce.
These were probably some of the best dumplings we have had in China and the service at the restaurant was pretty exceptional as well.  I'm sure we'll be back. 

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