Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chinese Road Rash - Ouch!

Today was like any other regular Saturday around here... except we actually had somewhere to go tonight!!!  We were suppose to be going to the Kunshan German Beer Festival with 8 other expats.  It's a big beer festival like Oktoberfest in Germany with beer tents and food.  We had a table reserved and they even fly in German musicians!   We thought since we will be eating and drinking tonight and the gym is closed until September 1st we'd do the 10 mile walk around the lake.  An added bonus this morning was that the temperature had dropped to 90 from the 100's it was last week.   So we set out this morning with the idea we'd be back to have lunch, drink loads of water and rest up before leaving at 5:30pm.

We were on pace for a record go around - I estimate that we would've made it in 2 hours and 30 minutes, so far the shortest time we've made is 2 hours 45 minutes.  We hit our second to last intersection and it was a red light, at that moment that we stopped in the sun I felt a little bit dizzy and mentioned to Bill I was really thirsty and a little dizzy.  He told me we were almost home keep trucking!   The light changed and we kept going, about 5 minutes later as we rounded the last corner I had to sit down, I was dripping wet and super dizzy.  Bill was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING ON THE GROUND IN CHINA!?!?!   GET UP WE ARE ALMOST HOME."   As I got up I blacked out and fell down.  The rest Bill tells me was pretty ugly - I should let him write this part of the story.  He said I fell about 2 times and was just a wet noodle.  He couldn't hold me up and I wasn't moving so he put me on a tree and told me to sit there while he ran home to get water and money and the ebike to get me back home. (You could see our apartment building, it was a 10 minute walk from where he put me.)  
Side note:  we had been walking with exercise clothing on so neither of us had our phones, money, etc. The only thing I had was a bottle of water that I had drank already.

As I came back to consciousness I realize I am sitting against a tree alone and as I start to look around and get my bearings I immediately cringe - there's dog poo next to me, thanks Bill!  I scoot to the cement, all I want to do is lay down, my eyes are fuzzy and going in and out of black, my knees are burning, I look down - there is blood all over both of them.  I just sit there and wait,  figuring Bill went to get help and knowing I can't lay down.  Bill gets back with the ebike, hands me water and I suck it down.  He gives me another, as I stand to think about getting on the bike with him I realize that isn't going to work.  I told him I needed a taxi - I lay down in the grass, he gets a taxi... I get in the front Bill tells the driver where to take me, away I go, the taxi is cold, he has the AC on and I'm starting to feel like a person - my ears are all plugged up and I'm still feeling dizzy but the cool air feels amazing.  The driver keeps looking at my knees with a terrified look on his face.  I'm sure he's never seen someone so banged up - well at least not a Western girl banged up and covered in dirt from laying on the ground.   I get to the compound and tell the driver to wait 5 minutes for the money.   Yes, I managed that in Chinese - whew.  As I walked up to our building Bill met me with the ebike and we got in the elevator, the next thing I know I'm laying on the living room floor.  I passed out in the elevator.  I eventually made it to the shower and managed to just sit there with the cold water pouring on me, it felt so good.  I think I sat there for about a 1/2 hour then cleaned my wounds and drank another bottle of water.  Bill in the mean time looks up heat stroke and freaks out based on the symptoms, side effects, etc. so he decides he needs to take my temperature - which the thermometer said it was 95.6... clearly we might need to invest in a better thermometer, or the cold shower really cooled my body temperature!  He made sure I drank 2 more bottles of water and ate an apple since my ears and head were still very blurry.  After about an hour rest I was able to move to the living room.
Here's my knees post shower loaded up with bacitracin.

I'm feeling much much much better now, I have some really horrible pain in my knees (rightfully so) and a bit of a headache but I'm feeling like a person now.  Unfortunately we had to cancel going to the beer festival.  I told Bill to go but he didn't want to leave me alone he said.  
Here's the picture 4 hours later:

What a day!  A lot of lessons learned - even when it's 90 and the temperature has dropped 10 degrees from what it was last week, walking 10 miles isn't a good idea.  I even drank a bottle of water before the walk and during the walk, so something just wasn't right with me today!   Bill learned that when I tell him I need a break from now on he'll let me take a break - since he said I probably wouldn't have hurt my knees so bad if he had just let me sit for a bit.   But we're both alive, we made it home, he paid the taxi and now we're resting in the AC.   No outside adventures for at least 24 hours for me!

I'm still really bummed we're missing the German Beer Festival.  Guess there's always next year.


  1. OMG girl! So glad you are ok!!! Sure you're not pregnant? ;)
    I wonder how much of it is the heat and how much is the pollution? NOT a good combo! Take care!

  2. Hope you're doing alright! In case that happens again, I think I also read not to do anything drastic like ice water or ice baths as your temperature will drop too fast. I think you just re-hydrate. But then again, I'm not a doctor so what do i know!?
