Friday, August 16, 2013

You really can't make this stuff up...

Today as I was coming home from lunch, (GASP... I actually left the apartment today!) the road into our compound was closed to cars, however the nice security man let me through on my ebike.  As it turns out something, somehow struck the fire hydrant causing it to well move/bend (if fire hydrants can bend) and well here comes the water!  
So the fire hydrant is tilted and spraying water, and the Chinese man is just watching me take a picture and watching the water spray all over!
He said something to me... I giggled and drove away! :-)

Also, I have to get something off my chest today.  I've been feeling pretty guilty this week because I've been a bum and haven't been to the gym all week... I was really seriously planning to go this afternoon, seriously!!!  However, as it turns out the gym is closed until August 22nd right now!  Monday I knew they were closed for regular monthly maintenance.  On Tuesday it was open but I went to Shanghai and was tired when I got home so didn't go Tuesday night.  On Wednesday there were some electrical issues so it was suppose to reopen once those were fixed however apparently on Wednesday night someone had a heart attack at the gym and died so now the gym is closed until August 22nd for electrical and health safety reasons!  My oh my....  Like I said - You can't make this stuff up!  
*** Side note:  All this information was told to me today at Crafts by my friend Jean who swims every morning at 7:15 and then goes in the evening with her husband.  She's a reliable source!

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