Tuesday, August 6, 2013

KFC Delivers?

Did you know KFC delivers?  I didn't until today!  Not that I'll be eating any KFC - and yes it is Kentucky Fried Chicken like in the states, just with a few Asian twists on the menu!  I was just stunned by the fact that I passed a guy on a bike as a KFC delivery man.   So much so that I slowed down, let him pass me and then sped up again so I could take his picture.  haha

That's all I have for today - it was 105 at 8am, so I went to an expat coffee Meet & Greet and then promptly came home to hide in the AC since it was up to 110 at noon when I took this picture.  Whew, melting is right!


  1. Wow! You've got it worse than we do in Tx right now! It's only 104 here! :)

  2. I'd love to join you in the 104 in TX Tracey, it'd be a much needed "cool down" from here!

  3. Girl- come join me and we have have frosty margaritas and good mexican food instead of fresh chicken feet! :)
