Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Dirt Line

We've all had tan lines before but have you ever had a dirt line?
I'm not talking worked in the field or was in the outdoors dirt line, I'm talking walking around a city for 3 hours on concrete dirt line!
On Sunday Bill and I walked around the lake- we won't even get into the temperature or how we looked like we went swimming by the end of the 3 hour excursion - we had to get out of the apartment, we were going stir crazy and with the gym being closed we needed exercise.   So around the lake we went!   When we came home - I had a dirt line.

Here's the post shower picture:
So the moral of the story is... it's dirty in China.  
But we'll continue to walk around the lake and go about the daily activities... as long as it starts to cool down!   Last night we were leaving a restaurant at 8:30pm and Bill says to me... it feels much cooler.  It was 89 degrees!!!   It didn't feel cool to me, I think he's adapting to the heat faster than me.

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