Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chinese Build Quality

 It's so hot here that at 8:30 am on a Saturday morning people take their dogs swimming in public fountains!

What were we thinking walking 3 miles to Marina Cove to get my dead battery bike?!?!?!   We were thinking we'd get exercise and sweat out all the bad and that we certainly did.   At 8:30am we set out for the ebike.  We made it in about 45 minutes got the bike, and started pushing the 1.5miles to Auchan.    Well Bill started pushing.  I offered but he said no he'd do it. 
I offered water and Kleenex to wipe the dripping sweat but he refused.  

Auchan is a huge Chinese supermarket like Wal-mart but bigger, crazier, cheaper.  It's the place we bought our bike.   On Friday night I called our real estate agent and asked Cici if she'd be willing to come with us to Auchan to help explain to the people what our problem was/is... she agreed thankfully because Bill and I were all too familiar with the ebike shop peoples lack of English from our purchasing experience.   

It's a good thing Cici came with, she was able to explain the situation as the shop kept trying to tell us that the batter was working because the wheel turned when you gave it throttle but we weren't very successful in telling them that it doesn't turn fast enough or strong enough to power a person riding on it!   She succeeded, however we needed a copy of our receipt for the repair shop to give us a new battery and well they don't just have a copy machine where they'd make you a copy you have to go pay to get a copy made at a store on the 2nd floor of the mall building Auchan is located in.  Seriously!  It was a wild goose chase to get a copy made for 1 yuan... that's $0.16.... yep 16 cents!!!  So we got the copy made, went back to the basement garage and then they told us 3 days for a new battery.  Seriously... 3 days, don't you have batteries in stock?!?!  Cici did some talking and all of a sudden now it'd be 20 minutes for a new battery.  Don't ask me how, why, or what... we took Cici's word for it and went and bought her 3 year old son some Dairy Queen ice cream while we waited the 20 minutes.   We told her we'd buy her son some ice cream for coming out to help us - he had a temper tantrum on the way to make a copy and we felt pretty bad that we asked her to help us on a Saturday.  We also told her we'd be okay and she could leave us sit for the 20 minutes and go back but she didn't seem to trust leaving us to go back in 20 minutes on our own. 
Finally, we were back up and running with a new but very low charged battery.  Just enough to make it to the DVD shop (it's right on the way home) and the grocery store (for some beer and sushi for lunch) and we made it home and it's on the charger now! 
Whew, glad that debacle is over.  I hope I don't have to repeat it in another 4 months based on the quality of ebike it seems we bought. 

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