Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day on the Job

Yep, that's right, I got a job!  As of today I became the new Vendor Relations coordinator for the EAS (Expat Association of Suzhou).  It's the perfect little volunteer board member position for me within the expat group.   The job duties include going around to businesses in Suzhou and enquiring as if they'd like to offer a discount to expats who are EAS members that use their business services.  In return we advertise their business and logo on our website.

Today on my first day I signed up 2 new vendors!!!  I'd say it was a good success.  One was a nail salon where they will offer 10% off for any services to EAS members.  I even got a pedicure for $15 while I was at the nail salon.  I'll definitely be going back there!!!  The other was a French wine bar and cafe who will also offer EAS members 10% off on food,(not the wine... bummer).  My Chinese came in handy here as the owner is a super nice lady however, she only speaks Chinese and French... no English!

This is going to be a super fun, exciting way for me to learn my way around Suzhou, practice my Mandarin (as not all owners speak very good English, or any at all as I've experienced today), and try out new places!

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