Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chinese Valentine's Day

I just thought I should let you all know that yesterday was Chinese Valentines Day... it's August, yes I know!  I had to question that too, but in fact it was Chinese Valentines Day.  Quite a few of the local restaurants had specials they were advertising but since we don't celebrate Valentines Day to begin with we weren't about to celebrate the Chinese one!   I was in Shanghai with my friend Bernadette and we did see some ladies selling flowers, but other than that it wasn't nearly the hub-bub that the US puts on in February.  Whew! 

That's pretty much all that we have going on in China right now - I know boring.  No stories or crazy pictures since we haven't been getting out much.  Bill managed to pick up a summer cold so he's been miserable, coughing, runny nose, head congestion.  We will be laying low for the remainder of the week so that he heals up!  It's a wonder how in 100 degrees one can pick up a cold. :-(   

1 comment:

  1. Funny to hear how "Forced Romance Day", as we call it, has made its way around the world.
    I love your blogs Anne! I'm just catching up now after getting back from Canada.
