Friday, August 2, 2013

Dead as a doornail...

Today started out as any normal Friday would (minus the jet lag wake up at 4am), I had coffee, ate breakfast, Bill went to work, I went to the gym, then around 10am I met my friend Marie and we headed to Friday Morning EAS Crafts.  It's basically chatting and crafting some type of small items but since it's summer and not many people are around we play games!  On the way to Crafts Marie says to me "I hope I make it there cuz I haven't charged my bike in a few days."  I told her she'd be fine!  I should eat my words because at the next intersection guess what - my ebike battery goes to LOW on me and I can barely make it across the intersection.  Putt, putt, putt.   I HAS IT PLUGGED IN ALL NIGHT LONG!!!   Damn bike!!!
I knew there would be a day when my battery died, as I often see people pushing their ebikes and I've heard the horror stories, but I seriously wasn't expecting it today.  And only 4 months after we purchased the darn thing!
Marie and I SLOWLY made it to the Marine Cove parking garage and go up to Yen's apartment. (Where crafts is held.)  Yen lets me use her ebike charger to see if we can get it charged so I can make it home when we're done.  Taboo was the game today and Yen made homemade cinnamon rolls... delicious!   After a great fun 2 hours Marie and I go to leave and the charger shows a GREEN light which means the battery is charged!  I breathed a sigh of relief thinking, whew, I'll get home.  That sigh only lasted a few seconds, as I started out of the parking garage my bike puttered out completely.  Wouldn't even move.   So as it starts to rain and I don't have an umbrella with me because didn't need one on the ebike, I leave my ebike in the basement of someone else's compound a couple miles away from home and start my trek home hoping for a taxi.  And oh by the way it's only 105 degrees outside...  Luckily it only took me 3 sweaty blocks before I found a taxi.

Unfortunately, it appears it's not the charger that's the issue, it's the battery not holding a charge and sure this sounds simple just get a whole new battery.  However we have an ebike where the battery doesn't just pop out - it's bolted in down under the seat in some stupid contraption of a compartment!  Yep, we definitely weren't thinking of this situation happening when we purchased it!
Guess we'll be walking the ebike to the shop this weekend and trying to get it fixed.  Wish us luck.  I say US because I'm not going on this trek alone - I'm making Bill come with me for backup support with the language barrier!
Maybe I'll get my mirror fixed too while I'm at it!

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