Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why do my feet feel wet?

So I'm standing at the kitchen sink washing my dishes from the past few days... Bill's traveling so I've neglected the housework... and all of a sudden my feet are feeling warm and wet and I look down and there I am standing in a puddle of water!!!  Hmm... is this what it feels like when you're pregnant and your water breaks?

I immediately looked at my waist to see if I was spilling over the edge of the counter and realize that no it's coming from under the sink.  Great, of course when Bill is gone something will go wrong with this place!  I slowly open the cabinet doors to a flood of water rushing out onto the floor only to see that the piping has opened up somehow.

I really hadn't planned on washing the floor today!!!  But I did say I was getting bored with reading and surfing the internet so I guess that's what I get.  GRRRR

It's hard to tell on this picture but there is about a 1/4 inch of water all over the bottom - every single thing was wet!

Turns out the PVC piping decided to loosen up and detach itself so that left me with a watered down EVERYTHING, my paper toweling, saran wrap, garbage bags, swifter pads, EVERYTHING is soaked to the core.  So much for a quiet afternoon, I'm now air drying everything out and cleaning up a watered down kitchen floor.   Thanks shotty Chinese construction, I'm sure this won't be the first time it happens here in the kitchen as it's already happened in the bathroom a few times before.  I should've expected it.  Doh! From now on only water reslilent items are going under all sinks in this place!  

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