Thursday, August 15, 2013

Beer Delivery!

Yes, that's right, today we had beer delivered to our door!  And it's from AMERICA!

Since I've been back from the US I've started ordering groceries (and beer) from a company called Fields.  They are an online organic grocer located in Shanghai and they deliver in our area.  Now some of you may ask why I would need to order my groceries online because really what else do I have to do with my time?

Here are 3 reasons:
1.  For my sanity!  It's hot, really hot.  If I had to walk to the market in this heat and then walk in the doors I'd immediately walk back out and we wouldn't eat.  Okay we would eat but it'd be take out and that's not healthy for us.  I mean, I had the gag reflex from March - June walking in the wet markets due to the smell, I can't imagine what it smells like now in the heat with the animals and fish laying around.  Gross!
2.  This Fields website is all organic!  I'm not sure I buy into the totally organic mentality however, in China this seems important because all we read about is pollution and food scandals and heavy metals in the soil and water so knowing that the produce is coming from a field that has to go through 3 years of soil testing before planting and growing and selling products makes me feel better about what we're putting in our bellies.  At least the website tells me the food is safe to eat so that puts my mind at ease.
3.  They give you free gifts when you spend a certain amount of money!  Today our gift was ice cream.  Oh and the case of beer came with pint glasses.  Although, we thought maybe they'd be Acme Pale Ale pint glasses since that's the type of beer we bought - no, they're just random Perrier pint glasses.  (This is China we should've excepted it!)

The ice cream also came wrapped in a bag of dry ice so we had fun playing with that in the sink!  The things that you do for amusement after you've been cooped up in a apartment for 2 days straight due to the heat!

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