Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cluck Cluck

 I'm not going to lie... Bill and I really enjoy eating chicken wings!   We have pretty much stayed away from all chicken since the bird flu outbreak back in March here.  However, last night (after a day of drinking at the EAS summer picnic) we had a weak moment and went for it!
They were so tasty delicious it was definitely worth it! 

We spent the day at the Fairmont Hotel in Kunshen, a city about 20 minutes from ours, with 100 other expats and their families.   Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures, they had a pretty nice setup with BBQ burgers, skewers of lamb and squid, salads galore and even an ice cream bar!   There was a man selling artistic name drawings so we decided the apartment wall could use some color.

After the picnic we continued on with a few others to a local establishment to watch some rugby.  Which is where the chicken wings came into play!  

Other than the picnic we haven't gone anywhere or done much this week.  We've been slowly and steadily unpacking the boxes and organizing all our things here are the apartment.  

Bill is so happy he has his golf clubs!  He's already made plans to golf with another expat on Wednesday evening.

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