Thursday, April 3, 2014

Peacocks & Take Your Wife to Work Day


Yes, this is what you think it is… peacocks in a cage outside a manufacturing plant!?!?!  As you drive into the industrial complex that Bill's company is housed in one of the first buildings has a cage of peacocks.  Apparently Bill sees these peacocks every single morning and I was shocked that he hadn't mentioned this to me!  Seriously, this is crazy stuff and I was shocked and fascinated and baffled as to why this company would keep a cage full of peacocks that according to Bill they move the cage via forklift outside every morning so the peacocks sit in the cage outside and then every evening forklift the cage back into the building!   TIC (This is China)

Here's another TIC…

These blue barrels are filled with sewer sludge, you might remember back to some of the food scandals, we are told they filter out the sludge and use the oil in cooking.  Yep, DISGUSTING.  Here's a lady cleaning out her barrels on the street in Changzhou.   We had to go to Changzhou to submit our paperwork and present ourselves for our visa renewals on Tuesday.  Since Bill's company is located in Changzhou they are the determining government on our visa's so we needed to go together.  Luckily this time around the process took 30 minutes instead of 3 hours!  As we were driving into Changzhou I snapped some pictures as this town is much more "traditional/local" of what you could expect for a large town.  We did see about 5 Starbucks though in maybe a 10 mile radius but that's the extent of Changzhou's westernization.

Health and safety at it's finest:

Here's the police station… very nice looking modern building.
 Here's directly across the street from the police station… shanty huts setup with food, the lottery, and the passport picture place!

We then had to stop at Bill's company to return the documents on our way out and I thought I'd post some pictures here of the facility that is coming along and the entire reason Bill is here - to setup manufacturing.
 The outside:
 Bill standing in the inside:  Machines are set to arrive in June!
 Mr. Shu's forklift!  (He's the shipping guy.)
 Here are some of the parts that are being sorted to send to VW:

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