Friday, April 18, 2014

Wide Load Coming Through...

Today on my way on from picking up some oatmeal and bread I almost got plowed over by this ebike man with his cardboards!  Or at least I think they were cardboards.  His ebike was quite a bit faster than mine and I was zooming away in my lane only to hear all the massive honking behind me and for him to pass me at the intersection while we're waiting for the light to turn green.  CRAZINESS!!!  It's amazing the loads people have on their ebikes here the most I do is put 1 small bag of groceries between my feet on the floor.  

Sorry that's all I have for today.  On Wednesday I went to a wine lunch so real soon an order of wine will be delivered for me and yesterday (Thursday) I spent the day cooking away for my friend who just had a baby.  I thought I'd bring her a meal.  This week has been pretty dreary and rainy so I haven't been out exploring much.   I hope that all of our family and friends have a great Easter weekend whether you celebrate or not!  We will be heading to the Shanghai Formula 1 Race… I'll report back on Monday how it was! 

Happy Easter Weekend!

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