Thursday, April 24, 2014

Should I Be Worried???

Every few days or so I get text messages in Chinese characters that I can't read and think nothing of them.  Typically they come from my service provider and tell me how much usage I have left, etc. and I have become accustom to just deleting them and not paying any attention.

Well, today I just received a message from a number I wasn't familiar with…

I figured I better translate it… maybe it'd be for something free at the new restaurant in town Element Fresh(as I've heard some other girls were receiving coupons)!

Nope, nope, nope, that is not at all what that text message said…
Members of the public please note that April 27 15:00 to 15:15, Suzhou city Directorate of civil defence (Civil Defense Office) will try singing in urban air defense warning signals, please keep the normal order in!

I had to reread this text a few times and was a bit worried at first.  I immediately sent Bill a message asking him if he received a text message from the government.  Nope he hadn't.  Which he still hasn't received one and this makes me question it even more!  After thinking about it, I'm guessing… HOPING… it's just for a test of the warning signal… like a tornado drill right?!?!  But TIC, so one really never know what's going to happen!  We'll certainly find out on Sunday at 3pm!

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