Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today in Headline News from The Shanghaiist…

You never know what kind of news stories you are going to get here and what's really real or not!

Today on the Shanghaiist (a Shanghai city blog newspaper) there are 2 articles I'd really like to highlight:

The first is that the Grand Prix race actually ended 2 laps early because the guy with the checkered flag was a little trigger happy and waived it 2 laps early.  WHOOPS.  Wonder if he still has a job today.

The second article is this new flavor here at Burger King.  I've never been in Burger King here, nor do I ever plan to go to Burger King so I'm afraid I can't tell you how this is going to taste!

Now at Burger King Shanghai: Creamy PooPoo Smoothies


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