Saturday, March 9, 2013

China - We've Arrived

China... I'm not sure how to actually start this first blog post as there are so many different ways I wanted to begin, however now that I'm sitting here trying to type them up they just don't flow right! In my opinion this first post is going to be boring, our journey started with a long travel day, but we made it to Suzhou! On Thursday the 28th of February I received the keys to our apartment which was suppose to be move in ready. It was anything but that! The place was so dirty, literally covered in a layer of black dirt. I was horrified. I spent Friday and Saturday collecting cleaning supplies and then Sunday through Thursday scrubbing from top to bottom with Mr. Muscle and bleach! Bill left for Wuhu on Tuesday morning so I was alone to clean all week. It was tough, but thank goodness they have cleaning supplies here that I recognized. Oh and of course it took until Thursday when I was finally almost done cleaning for the gas man to come and turn the gas on so I could have hot water. It's China, I guess that's what happens here. The good news is we have a relatively clean apartment, the curtains finally were installed and our mission for this weekend is to find some food supplies so we can move in!

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