Saturday, March 30, 2013

Don't Forget Your Belongings!

I'm pretty sure God is punishing Bill and I as we both ate meat on Good Friday and not many things went right on Friday. I'm really wondering why we can't switch out all the past days of not eating meat for this one day??? Friday afternoon Bill found out that the paperwork we were going to have completed in Hong Kong for him to get a Z Visa was completed incorrectly and that he should probably go to the US to get the Z Visa. This process will only take 2 days to get the visa so he was not a happy camper. Neither was I as we already had plane tickets, hotel rooms, plans made on things to see/do while we wait for the visa. It's a pain in the rear and now our weekend away in Hong Kong has been cancelled. :-( Next thing Bill comes home from Wuhu and walks in the apartment empty handed. Ummm, Bill you were gone for a week, where's your suit case? Yep Bill forgot his suit case in the taxi! So after a couple hours calling our real estate agent and having her try to contact the taxi company and find the taxi driver Bill finally got his case back last night around 9pm! Whew, that is something he'll never do again. There are even signs in the taxis: Well, we all know bad things typically happen in 3's, I can't think of the 3rd bad thing today so I'm hoping today only has 2!

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