Thursday, September 12, 2013

Malaria Medication

In 2 weeks we'll be heading to Thailand and Cambodia (Yay for us... I'm doing a little dance!) unfortunately, Siem Reap Cambodia is in a malaria area according to the US CDC website.   Sooo, I thought it'd be a responsible thing for us to go get malaria medication.

Off to SingHealth we went this morning after mandarin lessons.  Neither Bill nor I had ever been to the clinic here. (Knock on wood and THANK GOODNESS!) However, the expats say if you do get sick for anything minor or need and meds always just go to SingHealth.  It's a Singaporean Clinic that basically caters to expats.  They can't do any major procedures but for small coughs/colds this is the place.    So we went, we registered and then we had to get our blood pressure and temperature taken.  I guess to make sure we were okay before they give us any medications.  
Then we met with a doctor who discussed that they only can give Doxycyline which you take 2 days prior to entering the malaria area then you take while in the malaria area and for 4 weeks after!  Gosh, after discussing this and the health risks I'm not sure why we picked Cambodia!?!?!  The doctor lady said about 3 times if you get a fever or headache or stomach ache go straight to the hospital because you will need different treatment.   We then walked to a counter, got our pills, paid the people and we were on our way!

The whole thing took about 15 minutes and $160 later we left with 8 packets of pills!
Here's to not getting malaria!!!

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