Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Watered Down

This morning as I walked to the market to collect some vegetables I had to stop and take a picture of the workers "watering down the plants" as I've interpreted it.

 The hose is hooked up to the fire hydrant and the output of water is quite powerful.  This clearly isn't just your ordinary "watering" the plants escapade.
 When they're done with one section (it takes 2 people here) they pile the hose on the rickshaw and move onto the next place in the compound.  AKA the next available fire hydrant.

Another common sight here in Suzhou is the road water trucks... a few weeks ago on my way to crafts I encountered one and got a bit of a spray.  It was DISGUSTING!  Today I stayed quite a ways back so the picture isn't that great.

Basically these trucks drive around the city spraying water on the road.  The water comes out the bottom sides and sprays water all over the road.  I'm not really sure about these trucks, are they trying to eliminate the construction dust?  Are they trying to push the dirt to the side of the road?   They are not street cleaners - we see those occasionally but the road water guys are out pretty much everyday.  And these guys fill the tanks from the canal water - hence why it's pretty disgusting.  Taking dirty water from one place and putting it on the streets.  Sure no problem, I haven't figured it out yet!

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