Friday, September 13, 2013

Two Things Today

I have 2 things to comment on today...

1.  I am quite baffled by the fact that our gym does not turn the AC on!  I can't figure it out, it's been 90 and HUMID all stinking week long and they just don't turn on the AC.  Needless to say I last about 15/20 minutes before I'm soaked in sweat.   Fun stuff yes, especially for a person who 3 weeks ago had a horrible bout with heat stroke.

2.  I puked in my mouth today at the gym because the lady next to me smelled like China.
China has a smell - Bill smelled like China when he came home from work today, that reminded me of my gym experience and why I thought I'd share it with you.  It's not a good smell, just trust me on this one.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. OMG you are cracking me up! Hang in there girl.

  2. I'm with Tracey. You make me laugh every time I read your blog. Hang in there Anne! You are such a strong woman!
