Monday, September 9, 2013

Master of the Nets

What better way to spend a Sunday evening than to head to dinner with 8 other fellow expats and then attend an evening garden performance?!?!
 Our group heading in the back entrance because why not!?!?
 Here's a poster/map of the garden.
 A pagoda/part of the garden lit up.

We started out at Yang Yang Dumpling Restaurant for a Chinese dinner.  The dumplings were good but not as good as the ones from a few weeks ago in Shanghai.  But the company was great and the other dishes we tried were tasty as well.

Then we headed off to Master of the Nets Garden for their summer evening performance.  There were probably around 30 people on the performance tour.  We would go into different areas of the garden, get a brief synopsis of history and a story and then see a performance.  The nice part was the lady giving the tour did speak English, however the English version was quite a bit shorter than the Chinese version she would say prior.  It was definitely an interesting night out and a look into the older Chinese culture that once was.

 These men in masks did a skit with a golden jar and fortune telling signs.
 Then were was some music playing.  I don't know the name of it but it was a skinny sideways harp type thingy!
 The garden walls all have different designs which are really unique and pretty in the evening especially.
 These girls did a dancing and signing skit.  The singing was pretty quite though and we could barely hear them.

 These men did a skit on a robbery and foolery and it was quite funny. The man in the black clothes certainly did a lot of jumping around.

 There was another musical and signing number.
 And the grand finally was 3 girls playing musical instruments and another signing.  This piano type thingy was the main instrument.

Here's a link to the wikipedia description of Master of the Nets which explains the history much better than I even could!

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