Friday, April 19, 2013

A Chinese Mani/Pedi Afternoon

A few weeks ago I won a free mani/pedi at the expat Annual General Meeting and I decided today was a great day to turn in the coupon.  Things are still pretty stressful here right now as there are a lot of politics going on within Bill's day to day business activities as well as a few personal issues we're having with his company and just being in China in general.  Every time we say things can't get worse they seem to get much worse!  Sooo, we've now banned that phrase from our vocabulary and we're just going to keep trucking along! 

It's been 4 months since we left England with 2 suitcases a piece and with the weather getting warmer here our clothing isn't really suiting the climate here.  Humidity is a big issue for us northern folk who seem to sweat all the time!  It's pretty hard to shop for shorts here in China since well we're taller than most Chinese people and we're not really into wearing Daisy Duke's! 
The good news is that our passports were collected this morning to start the residency and work permit process.  It's been 50 LONG DAYS in China and it will probably be another 6 to 8 more weeks before we can get our shipment with all our "stuff" to start this settling in process!  

A mani/pedi was just what I needed for a quick pick me up!  I was a little leary of how this was going to go as I've never actually had a true Chinese manicure or pedicure before and given how China operates on most fronts, so there was some apprehension on my part.  It was nothing of the sort, I was the only person in the salon for the first 45 minutes and it was so tranquil, calming and peaceful I forgot I was in China!  As I was leaving 3 other westerners walked in.  Don't tell Bill but I definitely see Lotus Nail Spa as a place I may visit often while living here!  
Pretty summer toes and sandals for me today!  Sorry to all you guys back home who are in the middle of a monsoon and snow storms, I wore my flip flops ALL day long today! 

Trying out a new "grey" color on the fingers for now! 

Oh and it's 5 o'clock somewhere(HERE) so a tall stiff one is in order! 

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