Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm in Need of Odor Eaters!

China Stinks!  That statement is a double-edged sword these days, but for this blog entry I literally mean this country here stinks as in smells really bad!!!  The minute you walk off a plane in China you immediately know you're in China by the smell.  I can't even explain it, you just have to come experience it for yourself.  I know I'm painting a great picture here and everyone wants to jump on a plane to come smell China.  I'm pretty sure Bill and I also smell like China now, so this is the warning...   when I get back to the US don't tell me how bad I smell just help me buy knew clothes or completely disinfect the current ones I'm wearing when I land!

Unfortunately our apartment also stinks, however it the drains.  So if the air smell/quality isn't bad enough our apartment smells like "cabbage" as we call it.   This smell is due to the drains!  We have drains in the showers and then drains next to the toilets and as we've found out, none of the drains have pea traps on them!   Yep we live in the 22nd floor and you can waft the sewer smell from all the other apartments, it's just glorious.   Typically it's just morning and evenings, not sure why, but that's what it is.  Today it's rainy and I'm just making an assumption that it might have something to do with the fact that all day long we've been smelling "stinky cabbage".  I've resorted to soaking dryer sheets in bleach and stuffing them in the drains, then covering them with another dryer sheet and the toilet bowl cleaner.  It doesn't seem to help today with the rain, most other days it seems to work!   
Here's a picture of the plugged toilet drain and the shower drain.  

I also plan to purchase urinal disks when I get to the US to put in our drains to see if it helps block the horrible smells.  If you want to come visit definitely stay away from rainy season and wait until we get our shipment so I can put candles in every room!!!  Just another day in China! 

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