Monday, April 22, 2013

Blue Clothes... AGAIN!!!

Okay I'm not going to lie, I really enjoy the fact that I have a washing machine and a separate dryer!  I didn't have a dryer in England the past 2 and 1/2 years so I'm really enjoying having both now.  Whew, finally a positive thing about China!  However, this positive is causing me some grief today!

When we first moved into the apartment our real estate agent gave me the low down on the meanings and I wrote them down on a cheat sheet.  I've been doing all the loads on "Cotton 45" because well that seemed reasonable in timing(2 hours) and most of our clothes are cotton.  The other settings are all over 3 hours and I can't be bothered to have wash in the machine for 3 hours!!!
A few weeks ago every single piece of clothing that went into the washer magically decided to turn a nice shade of blue.  Mom, I know you told me never to mix whites and darks but I didn't listen that day or today and well I didn't think it'd be a problem since every piece of clothing has been washed multiple times!  Don't forget we've been wearing the same clothes since Dec 10th for crying out loud, how in the world did they become blue now?!?!

The first time this happened I thought maybe I had the machine on a setting that was wrong... maybe I soaked them in detergent on accident, or maybe I put in too much detergent, something I had to have done wrong.  However, I've been keeping the machine on the same setting for the past 3 weeks and it happened again!  We must have some stow away smurfs in the washer because I certainly can't figure it out!  

Do you like my cheat sheet?  I keep this on the kitchen counter next to the back door so I NEVER forget what setting I want!

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