Friday, April 26, 2013


Walmart in any country never ceases to amaze me.  There are always the "crazy" people, the smell, the fact that it's Walmart really.  However, it's one of those places in China that has become a "go to" for the little things.

I needed oatmeal and Walmart is the cheapest place to get Quaker oatmeal so a bike ride for me was in store.  As I wandered through the isles here are some of the "oddball" items I came across.
Yes, raw chicken feet are sold here. (They're on ice.)
Yes, raw chickens are sold here. (They hang above processed chicken.)
Yes, the bird flu is still in China! (Oh and it's concentrated in the province that we live... Jiangsu.  But it's a big province so don't worry!)

Okay, moving on from the chickens!  The next isle I came across was the Dried Meat isle.  I'm sorry I didn't take any pictures of the packaging, I just really didn't like this isle.  Most of the packages look like super vacuum packed beef jerky type color but I know that's really not what's in there so I closed my eyes and kept on moving. 
Next up Dried Vegetables.  This isle is mainly dried mushrooms and seaweed.  Probably won't spend much time in either of these isles, ever! 

Anyone hungry for rice?  Don't worry there are 3 isles with HUGE bags of rice in all of them.  I'm pretty sure my ebike would bottom out due to the weight if I bought one of these bags and my other groceries to try to get home!

Good thing I'm not a fan of rice.  I wouldn't even know where to start to think about which bag to buy!
That's all for Walmart today.  I can only handle about 45 minutes in that place!

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