Thursday, April 25, 2013

Please Exit on the Lefta Side

When riding the metro/subway in Shanghai do not be confused when the person on the train says.... "please exit from the lefta side".  They do mean to exit on the LEFT side even though they pronounce it "LEFT-A"!

On Wednesday 4 other expat ladies and myself took the train to Shanghai for an afternoon of shopping at the fabric mall and lunch!  Jill and Gini needed to get dirndls made for the Bavarian Mayfest coming up.  (Bill and I are out of town the weekend of the festival, otherwise I would've gotten a dirndl as well.)

One can get anything made at the fabric market.  This place is 3 stories tall and every floor has a little bit of everything.  Jackets, suits, scarfs, dresses, pants, skirts, jeans even!

You can also purchase watches, glasses, scarfs,sweaters, pajamas, pretty much anything you'd be looking for.   There is a fabric market in Suzhou, however with 3 stories in Shanghai and the fact that Gini and Jill needed a specialty item, Shanghai was the way to go.

Plus lunching in Shanghai is always a great time.  We went to this place called Element Fresh which has fantastic salads, sandwiches, fresh juice drinks which we are not able to find in Suzhou.  Being ladies of leisure we of course needed to stop at the Big Bamboo for an afternoon cocktail.
And as our day was ending we returned to the metro line to get back to the Shanghai Railway Station to catch our train to Suzhou.  Rush hour on the metro in any city is crazy, in China as a group of 5 white women, man did we get some strange looks!

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