Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oh YES We Did!!!

FINALLY.... Today we FINALLY found a bartender who made a Bloody Mary that met American standards!   It definitely had something to do with that fact that she's originally from Ohio, and boy were we glad we ran into Vern's Beach Bar! 

It was Monday in Hong Kong and we continued with out Hop On/Hop Off Tour to the far south side of HK Island to Stanley Market.  Stanley Market is a "world famous" market in HK.  They have anything and everything you could think of purchasing.  To get to the market you go away from Kowloon and the hub-bub of the city on HK Island to this remote secluded area.  It was sooo peaceful and had water and greenery and loads of vendors and bargain shops.  It reminded me of a beach town in Portugal.   We arrived around noon and the next bus came in an hour so we planned to just look around and head back to the bus but when we saw the cute street of restaurants and bars we decided we'd wait for the next bus after that. 

We're pretty glad we made that decision as we were able to scarf up some delicious chicken wings!  Another favorite of ours that even included Franks Red Hot!  YUMMY. 

After our delicious chicken wings and Bloody Mary's we continued on the Hop On/Hop Off Journey to Aberdeen for a sampan tour.   
A sampan is a relatively flat bottomed Chinese boat mainly used for transportation in coastal areas and often used as fishing boats.  The sampan boat tour takes you around the Aberdeen water areas to showcase the house boats still in use, the floating restaurants and the fish market.  Jumbo is a large floating restaurant that is a major tourist attraction.  

Sorry folks we didn't eat at Jumbo, we kept with our usual tradition and found a Mexican joint! 

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