Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Wet Market

The "wet" market is where I have been purchasing most of my fruits and vegetables and I decided it was time to show you some pictures! There are quite a few wet markets throughout the city and they're located in what the Chinese refer to as Neighborhood Centers. Our neighborhood Center is called the Linglong Neighborhood Center. Here's a picture from the corner, it's not the best outside picture. We live at No. 1 Linglong Street, hence the name of the center. Within this 2 story neighborhood center there are quite a few shops, cell phone shops, bakeries, restaurants, clothing, electronics, a few banks and then the market which has all the fruit and vegetable stands. The stands are all large rectangles with multiple individuals behind the stands, each person has their own area of the stand. When you approach the stand they will throw a plastic bag or a red basket at you, you can then pick which veggies you want. When you're done choosing what you'd like they weigh them and tell you how much owe! That's the tricky part, however the scales tell you the amount, only there is 1 lady who's scale doesn't work so unfortunately I have to avoid her! Same thing with the fruits. You can get everything here in these markets, rice, beans, fish, pork, eggs, chickens. You pick what you'd like and they give you it right there! The vegetables are much cheaper here than at the grocery stores. The fruit is very expensive no matter where you buy it. I haven't been brave enough to try the eggs, meat or rice/beans yet!

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