Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tian Tan Buddha

Tian Tan Buddha... aka Giant Buddha is located at Ngong Ping on Lantau Island in Hong Kong.  It is one of the 5 largest buddha's in China.  This buddha symbolizes the harmonious relationship between man and nature and people and religion.
In order to get the buddha the best ways are to either take a cable car or the local bus.  We decided to ride the cable car on the way there and take the bus back into town.   Here are some views from the cable car.

Once you get to Ngong Ping where the Buddha is there are 268 steps to reach the top.  The Buddha is 112ft tall and weights 250 metric tons!  Prior to 2007 it was the largest one in the world.  This Buddha is also the only Buddha that faces north, all the others face south.   His right hand is raised symbolizing removal of affliction.  The Buddha sits on a lotus throne and is surrounded by 6 smaller bronze statues known as "The Offering of the 6 Devas" and are posed offering flowers, incense, lamp, ointment, fruit and music to the Buddha. The offerings symbolize charity, morality, patience, zeal, mediation and wisdom which are all necessary to enter into nirvana.
I was amazed at all the people climbing the steps... all shapes, sizes and ages! It's quite an impressive tourist attraction.

Near to the Buddha on Ngong Ping is the Po Lin Monastery.  It was currently undergoing some construction/renovation but had many places where one could light incense and pray around the monastery and Buddha.

It was quite a site to see and to think about how they got the Buddha placed where he is.

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