Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dim Sum in Hong Kong

On Sunday we woke up in Hong Kong and decided we needed to do some exploring of the famous city.  We started our day with a nice 1/2 hour walk through town to City Hall.  We were on our way to Maxim's a famous Dim Sum restaurant in Hong Kong.  Recommended by some friends and well as the hotel Navigators.

After a sweaty, humid walk we waited for about an hour and got seated.   Maxim's is one of the only traditional dim sum restaurants still left in Hong Kong we are told.  The waitresses come around with the dim sum on carts.  If you see something you like on the cart you tell them and they put it on your table.  They then put a little mark on the "bingo card-like" piece of paper on your table.  

When you're done you hand that over and they get you the bill.  It was quite a fun place for Sunday lunch.  We then proceeded to ride the redline of the Hop On Hop Off bus.  We didn't hop off, we just sat for a few hours to take in the lay of the land. 

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