Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fine Dining at Papa John's

A Papa John's with sit down dining, I've never seen this before!  At least not in Wisconsin.

Bill and I have a tradition that we started in England of having pizza on Sunday's.  It all came about because we couldn't find any good take away pizza and really craved a nice "American thick crust".  We decided not to succumb to the traditional British Sunday Roast as we normally just wanted to relax at home and pig out on pizza!  So after much trial and error Bobby Flay's recipe became our best friend and Sunday's in our home because pizza days where we relaxed watched tv, drank vino and enjoyed homemade pizzas!
Being in China without our shipment yet means it's pretty hard to make that homemade crust without the proper utensils and the ingredients!  However, we've found Papa John's here and it actually tastes like Papa John's at home.  If you go to the store it's actually pretty "fine dining" experience. hehe
In Wisconsin I've never seen a Papa John's where one could actually go sit down to order their meal.  Here in China some of the locations have white table clothes, you can order drinks, appetizers, pizza, pasta and even dessert!   We decided we should give it a go just to say we've actually dined IN at a Papa John's restaurant.  The restaurant we went to didn't have white linen table clothes but it still was a pretty nice place.   They even put the garlic sauce in small white dipping trays on your table versus the plastic take away containers!

It was a fun Sunday night date for us at Papa John's.

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