Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Visit to the Chinese Edward Scissor Hands

Silky smooth new "do"! 

The last time Bill and I had haircuts was January while we were still in the US before we moved, time check.... it's May!!!  At least for me there's a beautiful thing called a pony tail and I've managed with that!  Bill however isn't so fortunate and he has a meeting coming up on Monday in Australia with General Motors so there wasn't much choice on getting a cut.  A lot of the expat ladies have been telling me that Eric's Salon is the place to go because Eric speaks good english and does a nice job.   So we went to Eric.  I say "we" because Bill decided I needed to come with him to observe and just incase he needed an extra opinion on length!  Oh Billy, it wasn't that scary.
Eric was like a ninja with his scissors, his hands and the scissors moved faster than I've ever seen a hairdressers hands with scissors move!  Hair was flying all over the place.  After we walked out Bill said he felt like he was in the movie Don't Mess With The Zohan (horrendously stupid Adam Sandler film) and he was happy with his nice silky smooth haircut!  Bill says he will definitely be going back to Eric in the future, and I might even give him a chance too if  I get desperate. 

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