Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Walk Around Jinji Lake

We live in the SIP area of Suzhou (Suzhou Industrial Park) which is built up and around Jinji Lake.  According to Wikipedia this is a freshwater lake and Jinji means Rooster so maybe I guess we could call it Rooster Lake?!?!

It was a pretty nice day out temperature wise, at 74 degrees so we decided it'd be a great day to walk around the lake.  Bill and his co-worker Gary walked the lake in January so Bill had an idea of where to go and more importantly, where not to go! (There are a few places where you can't walk along the lake and need to take the main roads.)   It took about 2 hours and 45 minutes for us to get around the entire lake.  We stopped about 15 minutes away from our apartment at Starbucks to have a drink and practice our Mandarin outside on the patio.
Here are some of the pictures we took as we trekked the 10 miles around the lake!

 Do you see this bull???    Cuz he doesn't see you!
 We typically judge the air quality on if we can or can't see the "pants".   Today was a pretty "over-cast" day here as you can see the pants in the background are not very clear.
 About 1/2 way around as we can see the ferris wheel and our apartment on the very very far left!
 Yummy green sludgy water!  So much for clear lakes, rivers, streams here.
 I hope this man selling balloons doesn't lift off and blow away!
 We're getting close to home when we hit the ferris wheel!  (About 20/25 minutes walk left.)

FUN FACT OF THE DAY: The Suzhou Ferris Wheel is one of four 120 meter ferris wheels in China and there is only 1 other ferris wheel in China larger at 160 meters in Nanchang!

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