Wednesday, May 22, 2013

When Pigs Fly... OR Die!

Today on the way home from the Shanghai Hongqiao Flower Market the bus I was on passed a farm truck with the back end full of dead pigs.  I kid you not, they were DEAD, they were laying in the back of an open big truck, at least 20 of them!   I did not have my phone out and we were moving pretty fast so I couldn't get a picture but I did a quadruple take and YES they were pigs and YES they were dead!!!  As of today I've 100% given up pork!
Other than that site on the way home the flower market was an entertaining day!  The trip was with the expat women and so you shopped at your own pace and the ladies that I stuck with decided to include YUMMY sandwiches in our day from Hongmei Lu Pedestrian Street.

Here are some pictures:
Last time I checked the Packer colors were GREEN and GOLD, not red and black.  Grrr get it right China!

The puppy was chasing a butterfly.  Just like my Brewman would do, it was cute!
 This middle section of the market burned down a couple months ago due to a fire.  Pretty sad.

This one's for you Mikey, it's a necklace/jewelry holder but of course in Red, White and Blue!

This picture is VERY deceiving, it is a very very small box that contains a CRICKET that is for sale.  Yes apparently it's cricket season and they're for sale now.   Can't you just go outside and catch one?  It was disgusting!

I thought about buying this basket for potaToes, however I guess you're suppose to put potaPoes in this basket and I don't know what or where or how I'd find potaPoes.

Yes, you can even buy live turtles!  

Here's the plant section with potters outside.
 And more plants!  It was a jungle in there.

I decided to bring home this cute tea pot with some greenery in it.  (Thanks Mom for the b-day card that's in the background, it actually made it to China!!!)

And some succulents, however I have no clue how to care for them so they'll be dead by August is my guess.  (I bought 2 plants when we first got here and they were both dead when we returned from Australia, 3 months is a long time in plant life for me!)

It was a great fun day out in Shanghai.  Time for a Birthday Beer now!!! 


  1. I think the football is a Georgia football, not packers. But close enough to feel comfort!

    1. That's the first thing my dad and brother said too Shelley! But why would Georgia be with Cowboys and Rams... clearly a color error! :-)

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