Monday, May 6, 2013

Can you eat only 8 M&M's?

I don't know about you but I have no will-power when it comes to chocolate and the thought of only having 8 M&M's seems pretty insane to me!  However, here in China I'm limited to 8 M&M's per bag.  Grrrrr... I thought I was buying a combo pack of fun size regular and peanut M&M's at Metro last week, to my surprise when I opened the big bag and took out my bite size pack last night I was in total shock!  I don't think an M&M bag could get any smaller!!! 
I've had 3 bags of peanut and 3 bags of regular so far, the peanuts have always contained 8 M&M's per bag, the regular fluctuate between 9 and 10 M&M's.   While I appreciate the fact that if I could eat just one bag it might be the proper portion control, however who am I kidding that's never going to happen. 

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