Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Time For Annie Gras!

Hooray Hooray The First of May!!!!   It's May Day!   In China today is a national holiday... Labor Day,(International Worker's Day), check it out on wikipedia it originated in Chicago!  So anywho, it's a holiday here and Bill is suppose to have the day off work - but he's locked himself in his office so I'm on my own for this afternoon.  It's 70, sunny and gorgeous out.  Here's a picture from our balcony - it's actually pretty clear out today... as in we can see across the lake!  

However more importantly than May Day and International Worker's Day is the fact that today is May 1st and that means the month of ANNIE GRAS starts!   Yep, typically Annie Gras is a 1 week event in May, but this year May 22nd involves an extra special number so Annie Gras warrants an entire month of celebration!

Since it was so nice out today I took a walk to the market to collect some veggies for dinner and some much needed American products!  I was looking for celery for a chicken salad recipe I want to make but could only find Chinese celery.  It smells the same as celery just the stalks are much skinnier.  I'm pretty sure all will be okay with it and it's already in smaller pieces so easier to chop up in the salad!  We'll see how it tastes tonight!

 Pineapple here is delicious and Bill and I have been eating it like it's going to go out of style any minute.  I'm pretty sure we buy 2 or 3 a week!  It's healthy though so it's okay!
Here was my splurge of "Western" products for today.  My rationale was that I'm still in the process of stocking up the kitchen so the mayo, mustard and vinegar were staples I had been missing.  And if I'm going to make chicken salad for dinner we are going to need those ingredients.  (Don't worry - I went with canned Hormel chicken because I am afraid to buy/cook chicken here.  Even before the bird flu came about I had this fear of chicken here in China.)  The Fanta, Cheetos, Duvel and Ritter chocolate bar are all for the Annie Gras kickoff!
 Happy month of Annie Gras to me!!!

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