Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Land Down Under

I'm so happy to be in Oz!  We are now 4 days into our 9 day Oz adventure and I'm going to speak for Bill and I and say we are really enjoying ourselves here in the Land Down Under!  Even though Bill had to work yesterday and today, we are enjoying the clear blue skies, fresh air, great beer, wine, cocktails and food!!!
We started out with sandwiches, Bloody Mary's and shopping on Saturday when we landed.

It was an 11 hour flight on an Asian airline...  I'll let you dream up your own conclusions! However, we only moved forward 2 hours in time so there wasn't much jet lag.  Both Bill and I managed to find shoes and shorts within an hour of landing!  Shorts are important as its getting hot in China and we still have winter clothes!  After our amazing afternoon of ahopping and eating we went on a Beer Lovers Walking Tour! It was awesome and ended with this monstrosity of a burger!  It was a double burger, I had to take out one of the patties it as so big! 

We even tried Vegemite on the tour as we were the only "foreigners" in a group of Aussies!  It was a salty, yeasty, soy saucey flavored concoction to me.
Then we followed some Tasmanian guys to the footy!  Yep, thats Australian for Football!  Yes, it was pretty darn exciting, there were about 80,000 people in the stadium, however after beers, burgers and a long day we only made it to half time. It was still great fun and we would definitely come back again.

The next day we went on Freddy's Bike Tour to get a lay of the land. It was awesome and Freddy was a great tour guide!  After the tour ended we found a pub on the river where we had a few beers and watched seagulls peck food off other people's plates!

On Monday reality set in for Bill and he actually had to go to work, BOOO!  I went grocery shopping, got my hair cut(I'm afraid of a Chinese cut so figured an Aussie one would fit best), sat on the Southbank side of Melbourne and drank coffee all day long!  It was heavenly!  When Bill came home we ventured out for dinner consisting of wine, a burger, duck and mushroom risotto followed by martinis and gambling at the Crown Casino.  I'm disappointed to report we did not win at roulette, Wheel of Fortune or The Down Under version of the Monkey Game we tried to find for Gramma Joan and Nancy!

Tuesday proved to be a little but slow for me however, I set-off to Queen Victoria Market.  The place is loaded with anything you can find, leather, household goods, food, meat, cheese, veggies, fruit, Boomerangs even!  Of course I bought one!

So far so good Melbourne!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh!!! This must be like a huge stress reliever trip for you! No people screaming Mandarin at you! Relax and enjoy!
