Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's Getting Hot in Here

I'm from Wisconsin, I like 70 degrees, sun and no humidity!  Okay now that I got that out of the way I will say that I'm in a very large weather predicament here.  The past week has been 75 degrees with 80% humidity and rain.  This tropical hot and humid weather is a lot for a northerner like me who also spent the past 2 1/2 years in England.   I can't wait until August when it's 100 degrees with 100% humidity as people tell me it will be.

Okay, back to the story, it's not quite warm enough yet here for the AC in the gym to be turned on.   No AC in the gym makes for a very warm stagnant disgusting place.  There are double doors at both ends of the gym that open and stay open and are often opened when the gym gets too hot.  
Today when I got to the gym the doors were open, HOORAY!!!  I picked the treadmill right at the very end near the doors because I figured I'd get the nice breeze while running.   Or at least get a wafting of fresh air every once in awhile.  30 minutes into my run, I was dripping wet, my water was gone, my towel soaked through and some lady has the nerve to close the doors!!!!   She then walks to the treadmill on the opposite end of the gym, farthest away from the doors and begins her walking.  Yes walking, not running and barely walking.  I gave it about 10 minutes with the doors closed but I couldn't handle the sweat running down my face as if I was in a shower so I jumped off the treadmill and opened the doors again.  About 10 minutes later she comes strolling down and closes them!!!  I shook my head at her and muttered "mei yo" which is suppose to mean no, however she clearly didn't hear me or see me, or care, and proceed to close the doors and return to her treadmill.  This is war!!!  Once she was back on her treadmill I was about to go open the doors again but luckily for me one of the staff members went out to have a smoke and left them open.  She came back shortly after he walked back in and shut them again!  Thank goodness I only had 5 minutes left and then my cool down, I let them be for my last 15minutes.   As I was leaving, I opened them again and smiled at her as I walked out of the gym!    

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